Every year I make a New Year’s resolution along these lines: get fit, become more organised, clean the kitchen floor every day regardless of how a feel or what else I have to do and each time I have failed to stick with it. Last year I even tried the new trend of making a micro-resolution, the idea being that since it was smaller I could stick with it. I decided to try putting my keys in the same place every day so I could easily find them on my way out again; I failed with that one too.
But I think I have finally hit upon why I continually fail with New Year’s resolutions and maybe I’m not alone; they are no fun and they are definitely not creative.
So if you have not done so already, make a creative, fun New Year’s resolution; take art classes. Have some fun, meet new people, learn a skill and indulge a passion!

Nurture Your Creativity with Online Art Classes at Ellen Michel Art School
If you are in the Melbourne area you are in luck; the Ellen Michel Art School has classes beginning in February and all are welcome, from complete beginners to experienced artists.
Your teacher, Ellen Michel will guide you step by step through the technical basics while helping you to release your creativity. In her own words ‘The combination of practice and teaching refreshes my view of myself as student and teacher. My aim is to pass-I-on (passion) something of the pain and the ecstatic joy I experience in an attempt to make a painting. I encourage all who have the desire to paint, to give it a go. It is a human right to create, and not a ‘gift’ limited to a few.’
In Ellen’s classes you will learn to tap into your artistic expression, you will grow in your abilities, raise your confidence and gain knowledge and skill.
Places are filling quickly so reserve your place today and get started with a New Year’s resolution you are more likely to stick with because it’s just for you. That kitchen floor can wait another day.